The concept of this book is fantastic. If you want to go farther in life, get along with people, harmony in your home, remembering to respect those around you will go along way. Remembering that the woman checking you out at the grocery store is a person just like you, more than likely, with the same problems that you have will go a long way to helping you show respect and making her day, and yours, go a lot smoother. This principle is true in every facet of any relationship you have no matter how small or insignificant or how great and dynamic. This is a concept that has definitely gone by the wayside for many people. In today's society there are only a handful of people that are willing to remember there are others around them that are just as important as they are.
My only complaint about this book is that the author, very eloquently said it all in the first chapter or two. Every other chapter was the same concept presented in a slightly different way, but ultimately saying the same thing. It has taken me almost 9 months to muddle my way through and I actually couldn't bring myself to finish it. I felt like I was literally beating my head against a wall hearing the same thing over and over.
If you have not heard this concept before, you might thoroughly enjoy this book, but for those who practice respect on a daily basis, it will probably not be anything new.
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