Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Words of the Godly

Today was what I would classify as a rough day. I got some unexpected news that I really didn't like. I called my husband and commiserated with him. He let me vent, but for some reason that didn't make me feel better. I don't understand it (tongue in cheek). From that point on, I was melancholy in mood (think Eeyore), which in turn colored the way I looked at the rest of my day.

My daughters came home from school and my oldest asked me what was wrong. I told her nothing, but she has learned to read me and knew that I wasn't telling the truth. I couldn't tell her what had happened earlier because I knew she wouldn't understand, so I just brushed off her inquiry jumping to a different subject.

After work I took my girls to go get hair cuts. I walked in the door, saw our children's pastor and immediately told him what happened. He let me vent and I went on my way still not feeling better. I saw his wife and though I wanted to tell her what had happened, I couldn't because my girls were in the room and I didn't want them to hear. So I sulked and mourned about the fact that I couldn't really vent to her about what was going on.

I came home and continued being melancholy in mood. Being melancholy is not a good state of mind because it is really just a selfish poor me state. So fast forward a couple of hours and I was lying in bed thinking how horrible this day had been when I got the idea I should have gotten about 8 hours ago. Pick up the Bible and read it to see what God had to say for my situation. Sometimes I really hate it when I do this because I don't always want to hear what God has to say. I wanted a good, old-fashioned, vengeance is mine, kind of scripture.

"The words of the godly encourage many..." What were my words today? Were they at all encouraging? No. I made sure the people around me knew how miserable I was. If I was living in Bible times, I would have put on my sackcloth and gone to sit in my ashes, so everyone would take pity on me.

I am resolving, right here and now, amidst such a great cloud of witnesses (okay, all 3 of you who subscribe to my blog right now), that I am going to strive to implement this verse above. The words of the godly encourage many. How can I do this? When I have a bad day I go to my source of joy and let Him turn my attitude around, painful though it might be. I choose to encourage others around me so that in turn I will be encouraged.

Another mile marker in this pryzr's journey. "The words of the godly encourage many..."

1 comment:

  1. I like that ... "the words of the godly encourage many..."
    It's uplifting to know that our words can help others.
